PeachCare for Kids Healthcare Coverage

Urgent PeachCare for Kids Information – Share with Families During Back-to-School

After redeterminations for Medicaid that ended in May, many students may have lost healthcare coverage, leaving them without necessary medications and treatment. PeachCare for Kids is a medical assistance program that provides healthcare coverage for Georgia children in low-income families. PeachCare and Medicaid currently provide over 1.9 million children with healthcare benefits and, for little to no cost, can help students and families who might find themselves without coverage.


Please review the memo linked below, which includes additional information along with resources you can share with families during back-to-school events like Open House and registration. Families need access to information regarding PeachCare now. Communicating the availability and links for application could provide families with life-saving information.


Additional Information: PeachCare Memo and Resources